At MFS our Team of highly motivated and skilled Engineers have years of Installation & Commissioning knowledge.
The proper Commissioning of a Gas Turbine unit encompasses of a wide range of checks, tests, and finetuning of all the various systems to ensure optimum output is achieved while maintaining durability and reliability of the unit and associated components. Each individual system, including controls and power panels, will be systematically checked in order to prove that they are fully functional.
Only once all systems have been thoroughly tested and proven do we move towards to the next phase of starting and operating the Gas Turbine. This is a step by step process of precise checks to all critical systems, with a heightened focus on all critical safety features and systems, as this becomes a “live” situation. All of this is done to be absolutely sure that these systems can be relied on whenever needed.

After completion of this process and a successful startup of the unit, our engineers will monitor the Gas Turbine in operation to ensure all systems are functioning correct and all engine parameters are within operational limits. This also includes comprehensive checks to ensure no leaks or any other abnormalities are noted.
Should any unforeseen irregularity arise, our engineers will ensure correct steps are taken to remedy the matter. This may involve relaying critical information to the MFS Technical Support Team for expert analysis and support.
On successful commissioning of the Gas Turbine our Commissioning Engineers will provide a safe and orderly handover of your Gas Turbine unit to your operating organization.
At MFS our goal is to deliver to our customers a safe and fully operational system, backed up with ongoing real time support to ensure longevity of plant, equipment and customer service.